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Street Murals of Burlington Talk

Celebrating the publication of her books, STREET MURALS OF BURLINGTON, volumes 1, 2 and 3, Carolyn Bates of Burlington has organized several public lectures on the art and culture of mural creation around the Queen City region and beyond. 

Bates has invited mural artist Kathryn Wiegers to the Pierson Library in Shelburne to talk about the inventive process Wiegers uses to bring her artistic visions to buildings in Burlington and elsewhere. 

Bates herself will open the program and offer background information about the creation of her three volume series dedicated to the artistry of muralists whose “canvases” are the very buildings and structures of our Vermont landscape. Following her introductory presentation, Bates will introduce Wiegers, who currently hails from Rutland, where several of her works are also on display in public venues. 

“Kathryn and I first talked four years ago about her work here,” Bates recalled. “Afterwards, to locate the first mural, I wandered on a wild goose hunt through parking lots and elevators and ramps all around town.” 

When she encountered one of Wiegers’ works in a building alcove open to the sky, Bates was enthralled.“I just stopped in my tracks,” she said. “Two hours later, with numerous photos and a lot of just sitting and enjoying the space, I had completely fallen in love with her work.” The image of Wieger’s mural blending with the building’s space and the sky itself was mesmerizing. Bates said she was also fascinated by Wiegers’ technique for painting her murals on lengths of fabric, which she then applies to structures large, small, and varied. 

Some of Wiegers’ works, like that first piece in the alcove, are no longer visible—that’s a fact with murals, from time to time, that they are temporary, highly visible on buildings for a while, and then either weathered and gone, or replaced for some reason or other—but Bates has preserved images of many of them in her photography, as well as acquiring photos of some of the works on display in Rutland, which will be on display on September 12, also.

A remaining mural of Wiegers’ in the Burlington area is on Pine St behind ArtRiot, depicting a gardener who has just “smashed’ the brick wall in front of him to allow a flood of colorful flowers to pour through. Wiegers made large fabric leaves that she glued individually over some rusty pipes around the mural, and she painted directly onto the building’s wall to enhance the image of the hole and the riot of floral color. These are the extra touches and techniques that so captivated Bates from the start.

Following Bates’ opening presentation, Wiegers will talk about her body of work and the distinct method she uses to create her visions.

The September 12 talk at Pierson Library is open to the public. The talks will be followed by a question and answer period, and refreshments will be served. Copies of the STREET MURALS OF BURLINGTON books will also be on sale. 

September 7

Street Murals of Burlington Talk and Tour at Art Hop

October 5

Street Murals of Burlington Talk and Tour