Court Grants Demolition of 20 Pine

What has been a months-long waiting game has finally concluded. This week, the Vermont State Superior Court (Environmental Division) granted the Parish Trust’s request to demolish the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

While we have been preparing for this possibility, it has come as a disappointing and somewhat surprising blow.

We had thought that some of the writing on the wall (no reference to the graffiti that continues to deface this iconic building!), was boding well for our argument that a purchase and sale agreement would certainly disqualify the parish from seeking demolition under 24 V.S.A. Section 4413. Additionally, our argument that the Burlington ordinance has regulatory authority over the building – even if it is less than 50 years old – seemed to have been acknowledged by the City in its responses to our motions. While the City contended that 24 V.S.A.  Section 4413 applies, it also stated that if the court disagreed and that the statute does not apply then the parish would be subject to the limitations in Article 14 of the City’s zoning regulations.

While it has been quite a wild ride, this significant building and amazing landscape continue to play an important role in Burlington’s history – and we hold out hope for their retention. 

As always we could not fight this and other battles without the support of all of you, our fellow preservationists looking to the future with respect for the past!

Thank you all. We’ll keep you posted on next steps.

Ron Wanamaker


Memorial Block Pre-Development Agreement up for City Council Vote on 3/11


Help save 20 Pine Street (former Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception)